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Samos European Emergency Number Association 112

Samos police

Samos fire emergency number

Samos helth logo

Samos Health emergency center phone 22730 22222


First Aid

Samos town first aid 22730 22222
Karlovasi first aid 22730 32222

Samos town Hospital

Call center 22730 83100
Call center 22730 83499
 Appointment 22730 27426
Mental Health 22730 80953
 Mental Health  22730 80060
Outpatient Clinics 22730 83175
Patients 22730 83114
e-mail : hospsam@otenet.gr

Karlovasi Health Center

Call center 22733 52000
Call center 22733 52039
Call center 22733 52040
e-mail : kykarlovasiou@2dype.gov.gr

Regional Medical office

Ag.Konstantinos 22730 94207
Ag.Theodori 22730 39291
Ambelos 22730 94318
Chora 22730 91898
Kallithea 22730 37926
Kokkari 22730 92203
Kontakeika 22730 34062
Konteika 22730 39389
Koumeika 22730 36318
Koumaradei 22730 41287
Leka 22730 33639
Manolates 22733 94346
Marathokampos 22733 31207
Mavratzei 22733 31700
Mili 22730 71493
Mitilinii 22730 51223
Pagondas 22730 71220
Paleokastro 22730 23981
Pirgos 22730 41001
Platanos  22730 39285
Pythagoreion 22730 61111
Stavrinides 22730 94351
Skoureika 22730 37724
Vathi 22730 23255
Vourliotes 22730 93444

Police of Samos logo

Samos Police emergency center telephone 22730 22100


Samos town Police Department

Emergency  22730 87310
Commander  22730 87346
Οfficer  22730 87315
Tourist Police  22730 87344
Tourist Police  22730 87338
e-mail: adsamou@hellenicpolice.gr

Karlovasi town Police Department

 Commander  22730 33333
Οfficer  22730 32444
e-mail: at.karlovasiou@astynomia.gr

Pythagoreion town Police Department

 Commander  22730 61333
Οfficer  22730 61100
Airport Οffice 22730 61343
e-mail: at.pythagoriou@astynomia.gr

Marathokampos Police Department

Commander  22730 31909
Οfficer  22730 31222
e-mail: at.marathokampou@astynomia.gr

Fire department of Samos logo

Samos Fire dpt. emergency center phone 22730 22199

Fire Department

Samos town Fire Department

Call center  22730 23062
e-mail : samos@psnet.gr

Karlovasi town Fire Department

Call center  22730 30195
e-mail : karlov@psnet.gr


Samos department cost quard logo

Panhellenic Coast Guard emergency number 108

Coast Guard

Samos town Cosast Guard

Call center   22730 27318
e-mail : samo@hcg.gr

Karlovasi town Cosast Guard

Call center  22730 30888
e-mail : karlovasi@hcg.gr

Pythagoreion town Cosast Guard

Call center  22730 61225
e-mail : pythagorio@hcg.gr

Pharmacies of Samos logo

poison information center 210 7793777

Pharmacies on duty in Samos


Samos town 

Antoniou  22730 27487
Apostolou  22730 27257
Eleftheriou  22730 22000
Filiakos  22730 23929
Kiloukioti  22730 22800
Konstandakis  22730 23686
Nitsolas  22730 28002
Panagiotakopoulo 22730 81297
Satsmatzis  22730 22322
Tzaras  22730 23320

Karlovasi town 

Dimitriou  22730 32838
Kalisperi  22730 32658
Kelesidou  22730 30700
Xenakis  22731 00315
Fotiou  22730 32646

Pythagoreion town 

Hatzieleftheriou  22730 61671

Marathokampos village 

Kozonis  22730 31585

Mitilinii villgae 

Karamanoli  22730 52095
Trova  22730 51171

Chora villgae 

Stamatiou  22730 91555

Pirgos villgae 

Vogiajoglou  22730 41333

Pagondas villgae 

Karamanoli  22730 71494

Kontakeika villgae 

Tragaki  22730 79350

Leka villgae 

Xenakis  22731 00392

Samos banks

National bank, Piraeus bank Alpha bank, Eurobank in SamosBanks

Samos town Branches & ATM’s

National Bank  22730 86001
Piraeus Bank  22730 21000
Alpha Bank  22730 81505
Eurobank  22730 80940

Karlovasi Branches & ATM’s

National Bank  22730 88001
Piraeus Bank  22730 38230
Alpha Bank  22730 38203
Eurobank ATM

Pythagoreion ATM’s

National Bank ATM
Piraeus Bank ATM
Alpha Bank  ATM
Eurobank ATM

Mitilinii  ATM’s

National Bank ATM

Marathokampos ATM’s

National Bank ATM

Kampos Marathokampou ATM’s

 Alpha Bank  ATM

Kokkari villgae ATM’s

Piraeus Bank ATM
Alpha Bank  ATM
Eurobank ATM

Ireon villgae ATM’s

 Alpha Bank  ATM

Samos Airport (SMI) ATM’s

Eurobank ATM


Τransportations in Samos island icon

Transportation telephones

Airport Aristarchos of Samos

 Call center           22730 87800
 e-mail: kasm@hasp.gov.gr

Fraport Greece SMI

 e-mail : info@fraport-greece.com
 Contact form >>
 Voluntary Safety Report >>

Lost in the airport 22730 61100
Lost in the airport 22730 62712
Lost in the airport 22734 40060
 e-mail : at.pythagoriou@astynomia.gr

Hellenic Aviation Service

Authority Officer 22734 40046
Authority Officer 22730 61382
Authority Depart.22734 40045
Air Traffic Control 22734 40041
Air Traffic Control 22730 61226
Telecommunication 22734 40043
Air Systems Support 22734 40042
Maintenance 22734 40045
Airport Security 22734 40045

 e-mail: kasm@hasp.gov.gr

Ports of Samos

Samos town port 22730 27318
e-mail: samo@hcg.gr
Karlovasi port 22730 30888
e-mail: karlovasi@hcg.gr 
Pythagoreion port 22730 61225
e-mail: pythagorio@hcg.gr
Samos Marina 22730 61600
e-mail: info@samosmarina.gr

Samos Public Busses KTEL

Call center           22730 27262
Call center           22730 27270

TAXI stations

Samos   22730 28404
Karlovasi   22730 30777
Pythagoreion   22730 61440
Kampos Mar/mpou 22730 37600
Kokkari   22730 92585
Mitilinii   22730 51400
Chora 22730 91700

Citizen Service Offices icon

Citizens Service telephones

Consulates in Samos

Duch consulate  22730 28383
e-mail vmalagari@gmail.com

 French consulate   22730 27793

German consulate 22730 23657
German consulate 699 770 9302

Citizens Service Centres (KEP)

Samos  22730 80004
e-mail : n.samou@kep.gov.gr
Karlovasi  22733 50814-13
e-mail : d.karlovasion@kep.gov.gr
Pythagoreion  22730 62332
e-mail : d.pythagoreiou@kep.gov.gr
Marathokampos 22730 50816

Municipality of Eastern Samos

Call center 22733 50100
all phones >>

Municipality of west Samos

Call center 22733 50801
all phones >>

Public services

 Tourism Organisation 22730 28582
Tax office  22733 53221
Customs office  22730 27202
Courts of Samos  22730 21019
