Start: 06/08/2018
End: 06/08/2018

Event Venue


GPS: 37.68981828749686, 26.942779142028826

  • Event description

Celebration program for Transformation of the Savior day and 194th Anniversary of Mykali naval battle.

Time 10:30 Praise in the Holy Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior

Time 11:00 Memorial ceremony and wreath deposition at Andrianta of Lykourgos Logothetis

Time 11:30 Presentation of Greek dances by the dance group “Lykourgos” at Irene Square in Pythagorion.

Time 20:30 Presentation of Greek dances by Samians dance groups on the main Pythagorion Street..

  • Few words about history

After the revolution of Samians against Othomans in 1821, they try to occupy Samos. The decisive battle took place on August 6 1824, where the head of the fleet Chosref Pasha, ordered general attack, leading to suffer incalculable losses from the Greek fleet, forcing them to abandon the effort and fled to Asia Minor.

That date coincides with the feast of the Transfiguration and Lykourgos Logothetis decided to engraved on a marble slab «ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΣΑΜΟΝ ΕΣΩΣΕΝ 6 ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΟΥ 1824» (=Christ saved Samos in 6 August 1824), in the church of metamorphosis in Pythagorio and celebrated this date every year in Pythagorion till today.

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  • Event Organizer

Municipality of Samos

Fees & Tickets
General admission