
Event Venue

ancient Theater of Samos

GPS: 37.695069730465, 26.934894765727

  • Event description

Spanish songs (Federico Garcia Lorca, Manuel De Falla…), traditional Greek songs, Sephardic music and Al’mira’s own compositions.

  • About Al’Mira

Daphne Souvatzi (Gesang)
Raphael Derderyan (Perkussion)
François Aria (Flamenco-Gitarre)

Al’mira, a pluricultural name that reflects eclectic musical inspiration. Contained within that one word: the salt of the sea in Greek (αλμύρα), a Handel opera, a reference in Spanish to inner vision, and a nod to Arabic music. At first glance, François ARIA (flamenco guitar) and Daphné SOUVATZI (mezzo-soprano) appear to come from two different, even contradictory, musical cultures. How was the purity of lyrical singing and the rigour of classical music reconciled with the freedom of flamenco guitar techniques so representative of Andalusian culture?  Following careful musical research, bold arrangements gradually evolved. The astonishing results are paced and empowered by a lyrical voice rich in colour and truly moving harmonies and merged with the music of a promising young guitarist who improvises and incorporates the emblematic melodies and rhythms of flamenco. New horizons open up when Daphné and François meet Medz Bazar’s oriental percussionist, Raphaël DERDERYAN (darbuka, bendir) and the fusion of mediterranean percussion becomes an obvious next step. Our three musicians continue in their pursuit of powerful and tasteful musical research. Al’mira has performed at Unesco’s Cultural Diversity Festival 2016 (Louvre’s Oratory), France Musique Radio in 2015, and the Festival Villes des Musiques du Monde in 2015.

  • Event Organizer

Fees & Tickets
General admission
5.00 €
Children, Students & Unemployed