Radius: Off
km Set radius for geolocation

Indicative TAXI's routes fare

No price available for this journey

Fares are indicative and may have differences from taximeter.
have been calculated with 1.05 € per km, + 24% VAT, and direct rental from the starting point.
Fares include, the fixed flat rate (taximeter start), the extra charge for the route to and from the airport.
For possible more extra charges ask the driver (from Port, luggage <10 Kg, etc).


TAXI station location


Telephone numbers of Samos Taxi stations and Taxi drivers

Samos 0030 22730 28404
Karlovasi 0030  22730 30777
Pythagoreion 0030  22730 61440
Kampos Marathokampou 0030  22730 37600
Kokkari 0030  22730 92585
Mitilinii 0030  22730 51400
Chora 0030  22730 91700

Agios Konstandinos Kalvinos Alexis +30 69780 46457
Ampelos Charalambous Andreas +30 22730 94518
Alexandropoulos +30 69743 89102
Ireon Mpaltzis Ioannis +30 22730 91672
Georgatzelos Emmanouil +30 22730 95441
Koumeika Fotiou Georgios +30 69466 18408
Sarakas Dimitrios +30 22730 36302
Marathokampos Tantoulos Grigorios +30 22730 61440
Kolivas Georgios +30 69424 05616
Mili Christodoulakis Christos +30 22730 71171
Paleokastro Margaronis Georgios +30 69485 85292
NOTIFY, for bug fixes or Taxi drivers additions


TAXI price list & TAXI drivers liabilities

According to applicable Greek legislation

Flat rate – Meter start 1,30 €
Rate per Km Within City Limits (Tariff 1) 0,74 €
Rate per Km Outside City Limits (Tariff 2) 1,30 €
Night Fare (00:00 till 05:00) per Km (as Tariff 2) 1,30 €
Time charge per hour, (Maximum Wating Time 20 min) 11,90 €
Over 20 min Subject to Agreement , which must not are beyond 25 €  per hour (including VAT).  
Radio TAXI – Appointment (extra charge) από 0 €
έως 6,20 €
In case of Radio TAXI or Appointment, the taximeter shall be operated at the passenger’s boarding.  
From and To Airport (extra charge) 2,85 €
From Ports (extra charge) 1,18 €
Each Piece of Lugguge over 10 Kg (extra charge) 0,43 €
Minimume Fare 3,72 €

The price list is accordance with Greek “Ministry of Transport and Communications” decision No A54501 / 5518/2014, which setting a tariff for passenger cars – TAXI .

Fares include VAT. 24%

TAXI Drivers Obliged
The taxi driver is obliged:

  • To operate the taximeter after passenger(s) boarding
  • Always issue a receipt after completing of the journey and received by the passenger. Passenger is not obliged to pay if the notice of payment has not be receive (Receipt or Invoice). 
  • Carrying the luggage of the passenger to and from the sidewalk.
  • To drive passenger(s) to destination, without boarding others (independent) passenger(s) (multiple hire).
  • To have place a price list, in a prominent place of his car.
Information & Complaints
Ministry of Transport Τ: 0030 2131600603,
Τ: 0030 2131600618
Fax 0030 2106544125.
Consumers Union (EKPIZO) Τ: 0030 2103304444,
e-mail: info@ekpizo.gr

Consumers Line 1520

Police Department of Samos


Τ: 0030 22730 22333
