Bay of Vathi, the largest of Samos island with surface 7 km²
Bay of Vathi, the largest of Samos island with surface 7 km²
Samos does not have grand bays. The most of existing bays are situated to the east of the island.
The most important is “bay of Vathi”, with surface 7 km², in which was built harbor of Samos city. As trade grew, Samos port grew into a principal port of the island one of which is the safest in Aegean sea.
Other bays are the “bay of Asprohorti” with surface 1,5 km², that is placed north of “Vathi bay”, among small islands that called “Saint-Nikolas”, “Prasonissi” and “Diapori”. The sea in this area is quite deep.
The bays “Mourtia” with surface 2 km², and “Kerveli” with surface 1 km², are located to the east of the island, and they are placed in a bigger bay between the capes of “Gatos” in the south and “Zoodohou Pigis” to the northward, the sea there is also deep, however the bay is completely protected by any the weather. Between them there are some smaller bays, such as the bays of “big and small Lakka”.
topMakria Punda and Limnionas bay at southwestern region of Samos
The bay of “Poseidonion” with surface 0,25 km²,located at the south-east of the island, it’s deep and safe bay, protected from all weathers. Formerly named bay of “Mullah Ibrahim” or “Moulampraim”, the author Tournefortios call it “galleys port”.
In the southwestern region located the bays of “Limnionas” with surface 0,11 km²,and “Makria Pounta” with surface 0,50 km² which are covered by the cape of Makria Pounta. Earlier planned to create at “Makria Pounta” the harbor of Marathokampos village, instead of the current position in Ormos Marathokampos, but the idea was rejected because of the steep slope.
To the northwest the bay of “Saint-Isidoros” with surface 0,06 km² is located. Close to the bay there is an operating shipyard.
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