There is two ways to search iteams at website
1) via keywords, where you write (1 in image) the desired keyword and then press button "search" (5 in image). For example, when you write the word "museum", the website will search all pages and at the end will show at your screen, all pages that contain the word "museum" in their content. The results will be displayed in both list and located at the map.
2) via advance filers for search, in category (2 in image), region (3 in image) and radius of your position - geo location (4 in image), where you choose from the pull down menu, the category that you interesting, or and the region, or and specified distance around you.
Example when you are interesting for museums at samos region, then you choose from category menu (2 in image) museums, and region menu (3 in image) Samos, you left blank the radius (4 in image) and then press "search" button (5 in image)
Example when you are interesting for beaches 1 km around you, then choose from category (2 in image) beaches, left blank the region (3 in image), set radius 1 km (4 in image) and then press "search" button (5 in image).
1. Radius from your position (4 in image) requires to activate geolokation in your device.
2. Advanced filters, category and region (locations) is structured into main & sub-groups, for example categorys has 4 main group, and one of them "culture" has the sub-groups "cherces", "education", "libraries" and "monasterys".
- When you choose a main group, from category menu or and region menu, then the results will include and the sub-groups of it.
- When you leave blank, one of advanced filters (category, or region or radius) then the results will be displayed all items of the specific which remained blank.
- When you just press "search" button (5 in image), (with blank, all advanced filters), then the results will be displayed all items that are registered.